Despite their remarkable performance, deep neural networks remain mostly...
Solving partial differential equations (PDEs) has been a fundamental pro...
Causal discovery in time-series is a fundamental problem in the machine
Causal discovery from time-series data has been a central task in machin...
Imaging and perception in photon-limited scenarios is necessary for vari...
Implicit neural representation (INR) can describe the target scenes with...
Massive collection and explosive growth of the huge amount of medical da...
Under low-light environment, handheld photography suffers from severe ca...
Signal capture stands in the forefront to perceive and understand the
High quality imaging usually requires bulky and expensive lenses to
We introduce VERTEX, an effective solution to recover 3D shape and intri...
Snapshot compressive imaging (SCI) aims to capture the high-dimensional
Snapshot compressive imaging (SCI) refers to compressive imaging systems...
Single-pixel imaging (SPI) is a novel technique capturing 2D images usin...
Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM) is a novel computational coherent...
Specular reflection exists widely in photography and causes the recorded...
Coded aperture imaging systems have recently shown great success in
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an important interferometric diagn...