Missing data in time series is a challenging issue affecting time series...
Labeling time series data is an expensive task because of domain experti...
One of the main challenges for hierarchical clustering is how to
The quality of sleep has a deep impact on people's physical and mental
Many machine learning models have been built to tackle information overl...
Leading up to August 2020, COVID-19 has spread to almost every country i...
Knowledge tracing (KT) is the problem of modeling each student's mastery...
In recent years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have witnessed imme...
The world has transitioned into a new phase of online learning in respon...
Monitoring patients in ICU is a challenging and high-cost task. Hence,
Sufficient physical activity and restful sleep play a major role in the
Sleep plays a vital role in human health, both mental and physical. Slee...
Physical activity and sleep play a major role in the prevention and
Assigning relevant keywords to documents is very important for efficient...
Rapid crisis response requires real-time analysis of messages. After a