
I personally believe that Algorithmic fairness is the backbone of trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, this is what is motivating me to seek AI knowledge Science and Engineering mastery in order to generate AI Knowledge and transferable understanding to users and builders of robust AI solutions. I do not want to make this personal but it is necessary for me to let you know that I am extremely skeptical about each and everything I do not understand, I only trust after verification and this is the reason as to why I would really love to make like easier for not only other skeptics with the same weakness, but also other human beings whose purpose of life is quantified by making the right judgment under pressure using AI technologies. My sole purpose is to reduce ambiguity and increase understandability with better interpretability of AI decisions for human beings and this is why I Research, Study and Teach Computer Science and  Engineering to find fulfilment in making this possible for Humans. 

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