Cameras digitize real-world scenes as pixel intensity values with a limi...
This paper presents the Standalone Neural ODE (sNODE), a continuous-dept...
The inverse problem of supervised reconstruction of depth-variable
Deep learning (DL) has shown great potential in digital pathology
Unsupervised learning has made substantial progress over the last few ye...
The scarcity of labeled data is a major bottleneck for developing accura...
Single-image high dynamic range (SI-HDR) reconstruction has recently eme...
Insufficient training data is a major bottleneck for most deep learning
Machine learning (ML) algorithms are optimized for the distribution
Artificial intelligence (AI) has shown great promise for diagnostic imag...
Digitization of histopathology slides has led to several advances, from ...
This paper presents an empirical study on the weights of neural networks...
Domain shift is a significant problem in histopathology. There can be la...
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can model complicated non-linear
Camera sensors can only capture a limited range of luminance simultaneou...