Dashboards are vital in modern business intelligence tools, providing
Modern dataset search platforms employ ML task-based utility metrics ins...
Building interactive data interfaces is hard because the design of an
Recent data search platforms use ML task-based utility measures rather t...
Although dominant for tabular data, ML libraries that train tree models ...
Analysts often struggle with analyzing data from multiple tables in a
AutoML services provide a way for non-expert users to benefit from
Data analytics over normalized databases typically requires computing an...
We develop NL2INTERFACE to explore the potential of generating usable
Comparison is a core task in visual analysis. Although there are numerou...
Captions help readers better understand visualizations. However, if the
A hallmark of visual analytics is its ability to support users in transl...
Comparison is a core task in visual analysis. Although there are numerou...
We demonstrate PI2, the first notebook extension that can automatically
Animated and interactive data visualizations dynamically change the data...
How can we debug a logistical regression model in a federated learning
Interactive visual analysis interfaces are critical in nearly every data...
Recent query explanation systems help users understand anomalies in
Obtaining an explanation for an SQL query result can enrich the analysis...
Interactive data visualization and exploration (DVE) applications are of...
As the need for machine learning (ML) increases rapidly across all indus...
Interactive tools like user interfaces help democratize data access for
Modern interactive visualizations are akin to distributed systems, where...
We live in an era of big data and rich data visualization. As data sets
The analyst effort in data cleaning is gradually shifting away from the
When inspecting information visualizations under time critical settings,...
Although deep learning models perform remarkably across a range of tasks...
Asynchronous interfaces allow users to concurrently issue requests while...
We highlight the connections between data provenance and interactive
Data lineage describes the relationship between individual input and out...
Interactive tools make data analysis both more efficient and more access...
Predictive models based on machine learning can be highly sensitive to d...