An arborescence, which is a directed analogue of a spanning tree in an
Given a graph G and two independent sets S, T of G, the independent set
We propose a large-scale dataset of real-world rainy and clean image pai...
Various forms of sorting problems have been studied over the years. Rece...
We investigate the complexity of finding a transformation from a given
Non-deterministic constraint logic (NCL) is a simple model of computatio...
Let G be a graph and T_1,T_2 be two spanning trees of G. We say that
A vertex subset I of a graph G is called a k-path vertex cover if every
In this paper, we consider the reconfiguration problem of integer linear...
Given a dominating set, how much smaller a dominating set can we find th...
We introduce a new framework for reconfiguration problems, and apply it ...
Subgraph reconfiguration is a family of problems focusing on the reachab...