Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables the processing of encrypted d...
Analog computing has reemerged as a promising avenue for accelerating de...
Achieving high accuracy, while maintaining good energy efficiency, in an...
Today edge devices commonly connect to the cloud to use its storage and
As the complexity of modern processors has increased over the years,
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) enables users to securely outsource both the...
FHE offers protection to private data on third-party cloud servers by
Over the years, processor throughput has steadily increased. However, th...
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) allows arbitrarily complex computatio...
The number of parameters in deep neural networks (DNNs) is scaling at ab...
Phase Change Memory (PCM) is an attractive candidate for main memory as ...
With the continuous increase in the number of software-based attacks, th...
The sizes of GPU applications are rapidly growing. They are exhausting t...
To close the gap between memory and processors, and in turn improve
While multi-GPU (MGPU) systems are extremely popular for compute-intensi...
Neural network training entails heavy computation with obvious bottlenec...
Late diagnosis and high costs are key factors that negatively impact the...
We introduce LEAF-QA, a comprehensive dataset of 250,000 densely annotat...
The rapidly growing popularity and scale of data-parallel workloads dema...
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, like Convolutional Neural Networks (CN...