This is an expository paper. A 1-cycle in a graph is a set C of edges
The classical Heawood inequality states that if the complete graph K_n o...
Let K be a k-dimensional simplicial complex having n faces of dimension
In this expository note we present simple proofs of the lower bound of R...
In 2019 P. Patak and M. Tancer obtained the following higher-dimensional...
We present a well-structured detailed exposition of a well-known proof o...
A low-dimensional version of our main result is the following `converse'...
We present a short proof of the
Čadek-Krčál-Matoušek-Vokřínek-Wagner res...
This paper is expository and is accessible to students. We define simple...
Denote by Δ_N the N-dimensional simplex. A map fΔ_N→R^d is an almost r-e...
We present a short exposition of the following results by S. Parsa.
We present a short statement and proof of the following result by S. Par...
We present a simplified exposition of some classical and modern results ...