Why ResNet Works? Residuals Generalize

by   Fengxiang He, et al.

Residual connections significantly boost the performance of deep neural networks. However, there are few theoretical results that address the influence of residuals on the hypothesis complexity and the generalization ability of deep neural networks. This paper studies the influence of residual connections on the hypothesis complexity of the neural network in terms of the covering number of its hypothesis space. We prove that the upper bound of the covering number is the same as chain-like neural networks, if the total numbers of the weight matrices and nonlinearities are fixed, no matter whether they are in the residuals or not. This result demonstrates that residual connections may not increase the hypothesis complexity of the neural network compared with the chain-like counterpart. Based on the upper bound of the covering number, we then obtain an O(1 / √(N)) margin-based multi-class generalization bound for ResNet, as an exemplary case of any deep neural network with residual connections. Generalization guarantees for similar state-of-the-art neural network architectures, such as DenseNet and ResNeXt, are straight-forward. From our generalization bound, a practical implementation is summarized: to approach a good generalization ability, we need to use regularization terms to control the magnitude of the norms of weight matrices not to increase too much, which justifies the standard technique of weight decay.


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