When are Adaptive Strategies in Asymptotic Quantum Channel Discrimination Useful?

by   Farzin Salek, et al.

We present a broad investigation of asymptotic binary hypothesis testing, when each hypothesis represents asymptotically many independent instances of a quantum channel, and the tests are based on using the unknown channel and observing its output. Unlike the familiar setting of quantum states as hypotheses, there is a fundamental distinction between adaptive and non-adaptive strategies with respect to the channel uses, and we introduce a number of further variants of the discrimination tasks by imposing different restrictions on the test strategies. The following results are obtained: (1) The first separation between adaptive and non-adaptive symmetric hypothesis testing exponents for quantum channels, which we derive from a general lower bound on the error probability for non-adaptive strategies; the concrete example we analyze is a pair of entanglement-breaking channels. (2) We prove that for classical-quantum channels, adaptive and non-adaptive strategies lead to the same error exponents both in the symmetric (Chernoff) and asymmetric (Hoeffding, Stein) settings. (3) We prove, in some sense generalizing the previous statement, that for general channels adaptive strategies restricted to classical feed-forward and product state channel inputs are not superior in the asymptotic limit to non-adaptive product state strategies. (4) As an application of our findings, we address the discrimination power of quantum channels and show that adaptive strategies with classical feedback and no quantum memory at the input do not increase the discrimination power of entanglement-breaking channel beyond non-adaptive tensor product input strategies.


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