What motivates people to telework? Exploratory study in a post-confinement context

by   Steve Berberat, et al.

After the considerable excitement caused by COVID-19 and the first telework measures, many management issues became apparent and some questions quickly arose, especially about efficiency of employees' work and conditions for successful telework adoption. This study focuses on the following questions: what is the new interest to telework for employees and what are the potential reasons for this? How much employees feel able to do their work remotely now and why? To answer these questions, we conducted a survey over several weeks, that involved employees coming from different industries (N=170), in order to collect their experience, skills and motivations for teleworking. The results show that adoption of telework is real for the respondents. Those who have experienced it present a strong motivation and a real capacity to use it, with almost no technological barriers. The theoretical model that we used, based on Technology Acceptance Models (TAM), has highlighted an important new factor of telework adoption: time saved in commuting. The study points out that adoption of telework could be sustainable for both public and private organizations, and this requires a critical examination and discussion.


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