What Is the Trait d'Union between Retroactivity and Molecular Communication Performance Limits?

by   Francesca Ratti, et al.

Information exchange is a critical process in all communication systems, including biological ones. The concept of retroactivity represents the loads that downstream modules apply to their upstream systems in biological circuits. This paper focuses on studying the impact of retroactivity on different biological signaling system models, which present analogies with well-known telecommunication systems. The mathematical analysis is performed both in the high and low molecular counts regime, by mean of the Chemical Master Equation and the Linear Noise Approximation, respectively. The aim is to provide analytical tools to maximize the reliable information exchange for different biomolecular circuit models. Results highlight how, in general, retroactivity harms communication performance. This negative effect can be mitigated by adding to the signaling circuit an independent upstream system that connects with the same pool of downstream systems.


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