What Happened to My Dog in That Network: Unraveling Top-down Generators in Convolutional Neural Networks

by   Patrick W. Gallagher, et al.

Top-down information plays a central role in human perception, but plays relatively little role in many current state-of-the-art deep networks, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This work seeks to explore a path by which top-down information can have a direct impact within current deep networks. We explore this path by learning and using "generators" corresponding to the network internal effects of three types of transformation (each a restriction of a general affine transformation): rotation, scaling, and translation. We demonstrate how these learned generators can be used to transfer top-down information to novel settings, as mediated by the "feature flows" that the transformations (and the associated generators) correspond to inside the network. Specifically, we explore three aspects: 1) using generators as part of a method for synthesizing transformed images --- given a previously unseen image, produce versions of that image corresponding to one or more specified transformations, 2) "zero-shot learning" --- when provided with a feature flow corresponding to the effect of a transformation of unknown amount, leverage learned generators as part of a method by which to perform an accurate categorization of the amount of transformation, even for amounts never observed during training, and 3) (inside-CNN) "data augmentation" --- improve the classification performance of an existing network by using the learned generators to directly provide additional training "inside the CNN".


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