What drives the acceptance of AI technology?: the role of expectations and experiences

by   Minsang Yi, et al.

In recent years, Artificial intelligence products and services have been offered potential users as pilots. The acceptance intention towards artificial intelligence is greatly influenced by the experience with current AI products and services, expectations for AI, and past experiences with ICT technology. This study aims to explore the factors that impact AI acceptance intention and understand the process of its formation. The analysis results of this study reveal that AI experience and past ICT experience affect AI acceptance intention in two ways. Through the direct path, higher AI experience and ICT experience are associated with a greater intention to accept AI. Additionally, there is an indirect path where AI experience and ICT experience contribute to increased expectations for AI, and these expectations, in turn, elevate acceptance intention. Based on the findings, several recommendations are suggested for companies and public organizations planning to implement artificial intelligence in the future. It is crucial to manage the user experience of ICT services and pilot AI products and services to deliver positive experiences. It is essential to provide potential AI users with specific information about the features and benefits of AI products and services. This will enable them to develop realistic expectations regarding AI technology.


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