Well defined quantum key distribution using calibration, synchronization, and a programmable quantum channel
Well defined quantum key distribution between two users requires both calibration to ensure quantum effects and synchronization to stabilize the bit parity of the results. Here we present two quantum effects regarding two entangled photons in a single fiber that can be used for both calibration and synchronization. In particular, we show how the synchronization problem can be transformed from a maximization of the bit parity between two photons sent to two users to finding an average 50/50 bit parity for two photons sent to a single user; the end result being first order feedback rather than second order feedback. Once we show how to calibrate and synchronize a quantum channel for two users, we then show how to introduce multiple users through a programmable quantum channel that can change its configuration depending on who needs to exchange quantum information. The programmable quantum channel is created by using a programmable classical channel to control the quantum devices as well as introducing new metadata on the classical channel specific to quantum applications.