Weakly Supervised Top-down Salient Object Detection

by   Hisham Cholakkal, et al.

Top-down saliency models produce a probability map that peaks at target locations specified by a task/goal such as object detection. They are usually trained in a fully supervised setting involving pixel-level annotations of objects. We propose a weakly supervised top-down saliency framework using only binary labels that indicate the presence/absence of an object in an image. First, the probabilistic contribution of each image region to the confidence of a CNN-based image classifier is computed through a backtracking strategy to produce top-down saliency. From a set of saliency maps of an image produced by fast bottom-up saliency approaches, we select the best saliency map suitable for the top-down task. The selected bottom-up saliency map is combined with the top-down saliency map. Features having high combined saliency are used to train a linear SVM classifier to estimate feature saliency. This is integrated with combined saliency and further refined through a multi-scale superpixel-averaging of saliency map. We evaluate the performance of the proposed weakly supervised top-down saliency against fully supervised approaches and achieve state-of-the-art performance. Experiments are carried out on seven challenging datasets and quantitative results are compared with 36 closely related approaches across 4 different applications.


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