waywiser: Ergonomic Methods for Assessing Spatial Models

by   Michael J Mahoney, et al.

Assessing predictive models can be challenging. Modelers must navigate a wide array of evaluation methodologies implemented with incompatible interfaces across multiple packages which may give different or even contradictory results, while ensuring that their chosen approach properly estimates the performance of their model when generalizing to new observations. Assessing models fit to spatial data can be particularly difficult, given that model errors may exhibit spatial autocorrelation, model predictions are often aggregated to multiple spatial scales by end users, and models are often tasked with generalizing into spatial regions outside the boundaries of their initial training data. The waywiser package for the R language attempts to make assessing spatial models easier by providing an ergonomic toolkit for model evaluation tasks, with functions for multiple assessment methodologies sharing a unified interface. Functions from waywiser share standardized argument names and default values, making the user-facing interface simple and easy to learn. These functions are additionally designed to be easy to integrate into a wide variety of modeling workflows, accepting standard classes as inputs and returning size- and type-stable outputs, ensuring that their results are of consistent and predictable data types and dimensions. Additional features make it particularly easy to use waywiser along packages and workflows in the tidymodels ecosystem.


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