Wav2Vec2.0 on the Edge: Performance Evaluation

by   Santosh Gondi, et al.

Wav2Vec2.0 is a state-of-the-art model which learns speech representations through unlabeled speech data, aka, self supervised learning. The pretrained model is then fine tuned on small amounts of labeled data to use it for speech-to-text and machine translation tasks. Wav2Vec 2.0 is a transformative solution for low resource languages as it is mainly developed using unlabeled audio data. Getting large amounts of labeled data is resource intensive and especially challenging to do for low resource languages such as Swahilli, Tatar, etc. Furthermore, Wav2Vec2.0 word-error-rate(WER) matches or surpasses the very recent supervised learning algorithms while using 100x less labeled data. Given its importance and enormous potential in enabling speech based tasks on world's 7000 languages, it is key to evaluate the accuracy, latency and efficiency of this model on low resource and low power edge devices and investigate the feasibility of using it in such devices for private, secure and reliable speech based tasks. On-device speech tasks preclude sending audio data to the server hence inherently providing privacy, reduced latency and enhanced reliability. In this paper, Wav2Vec2.0 model's accuracy and latency has been evaluated on Raspberry Pi along with the KenLM language model for speech recognition tasks. How to tune certain parameters to achieve desired level of WER rate and latency while meeting the CPU, memory and energy budgets of the product has been discussed.


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