Wasserstein-Wasserstein Auto-Encoders

by   Shunkang Zhang, et al.

To address the challenges in learning deep generative models (e.g.,the blurriness of variational auto-encoder and the instability of training generative adversarial networks, we propose a novel deep generative model, named Wasserstein-Wasserstein auto-encoders (WWAE). We formulate WWAE as minimization of the penalized optimal transport between the target distribution and the generated distribution. By noticing that both the prior P_Z and the aggregated posterior Q_Z of the latent code Z can be well captured by Gaussians, the proposed WWAE utilizes the closed-form of the squared Wasserstein-2 distance for two Gaussians in the optimization process. As a result, WWAE does not suffer from the sampling burden and it is computationally efficient by leveraging the reparameterization trick. Numerical results evaluated on multiple benchmark datasets including MNIST, fashion- MNIST and CelebA show that WWAE learns better latent structures than VAEs and generates samples of better visual quality and higher FID scores than VAEs and GANs.


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