Vulnerable to Misinformation? Verifi!

by   Alireza Karduni, et al.

We present Verifi2, a visual analytic system to support the investigation of misinformation on social media. On the one hand, social media platforms empower individuals and organizations by democratizing the sharing of information. On the other hand, even well-informed and experienced social media users are vulnerable to misinformation. To address the issue, various models and studies have emerged from multiple disciplines to detect and understand the effects of misinformation. However, there is still a lack of intuitive and accessible tools that help social media users distinguish misinformation from verified news. In this paper, we present Verifi2, a visual analytic system that uses state-of-the-art computational methods to highlight salient features from text, social network, and images. By exploring news on a source level through multiple coordinated views in Verifi2, users can interact with the complex dimensions that characterize misinformation and contrast how real and suspicious news outlets differ on these dimensions. To evaluate Verifi2, we conduct interviews with experts in digital media, journalism, education, psychology, and computing who study misinformation. Our interviews show promising potential for Verifi2 to serve as an educational tool on misinformation. Furthermore, our interview results highlight the complexity of the problem of combating misinformation and call for more work from the visualization community.


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