Vulnerability Analysis of the Android Kernel
We describe a workflow used to analyze the source code of the Android OS kernel and rate for a particular kind of bugginess that exposes a program to hacking. The workflow represents a novel approach for components' vulnerability rating. The approach is inspired by recent work on embedding source code functions. The workflow combines deep learning with heuristics and machine learning. Deep learning is used to embed function/method labels into a Euclidean space. Because the corpus of Android kernel source code is rather limited (containing approximately 2 million C/C++ functions & Java methods), a straightforward embedding is untenable. To overcome the challenge of the dearth of data, it's necessary to go through an intermediate step of the Byte-Pair Encoding. Subsequently, we embed the tokens from which we assemble an embedding of function/method labels. Long short-term memory networks (LSTM) are used to embed tokens into vectors in ℝ^d from which we form a cosine matrix consisting of the cosine between every pair of vectors. The cosine matrix may be interpreted as a (combinatorial) `weighted' graph whose vertices represent functions/methods and `weighted' edges correspond to matrix entries. Features that include function vectors plus those defined heuristically are used to score for risk of bugginess.