Voxelmorph++ Going beyond the cranial vault with keypoint supervision and multi-channel instance optimisation

by   Mattias P. Heinrich, et al.

The majority of current research in deep learning based image registration addresses inter-patient brain registration with moderate deformation magnitudes. The recent Learn2Reg medical registration benchmark has demonstrated that single-scale U-Net architectures, such as VoxelMorph that directly employ a spatial transformer loss, often do not generalise well beyond the cranial vault and fall short of state-of-the-art performance for abdominal or intra-patient lung registration. Here, we propose two straightforward steps that greatly reduce this gap in accuracy. First, we employ keypoint self-supervision with a novel network head that predicts a discretised heatmap and robustly reduces large deformations for better robustness. Second, we replace multiple learned fine-tuning steps by a single instance optimisation with hand-crafted features and the Adam optimiser. Different to other related work, including FlowNet or PDD-Net, our approach does not require a fully discretised architecture with correlation layer. Our ablation study demonstrates the importance of keypoints in both self-supervised and unsupervised (using only a MIND metric) settings. On a multi-centric inspiration-exhale lung CT dataset, including very challenging COPD scans, our method outperforms VoxelMorph by improving nonlinear alignment by 77 to 19 one learning methods published to date. Extending the method to semantic features sets new stat-of-the-art performance on inter-subject abdominal CT registration.


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