ViTEraser: Harnessing the Power of Vision Transformers for Scene Text Removal with SegMIM Pretraining

by   Dezhi Peng, et al.

Scene text removal (STR) aims at replacing text strokes in natural scenes with visually coherent backgrounds. Recent STR approaches rely on iterative refinements or explicit text masks, resulting in higher complexity and sensitivity to the accuracy of text localization. Moreover, most existing STR methods utilize convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for feature representation while the potential of vision Transformers (ViTs) remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose a simple-yet-effective ViT-based text eraser, dubbed ViTEraser. Following a concise encoder-decoder framework, different types of ViTs can be easily integrated into ViTEraser to enhance the long-range dependencies and global reasoning. Specifically, the encoder hierarchically maps the input image into the hidden space through ViT blocks and patch embedding layers, while the decoder gradually upsamples the hidden features to the text-erased image with ViT blocks and patch splitting layers. As ViTEraser implicitly integrates text localization and inpainting, we propose a novel end-to-end pretraining method, termed SegMIM, which focuses the encoder and decoder on the text box segmentation and masked image modeling tasks, respectively. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods, we comprehensively explore the architecture, pretraining, and scalability of the ViT-based encoder-decoder for STR, which provides deep insights into the application of ViT to STR. Experimental results demonstrate that ViTEraser with SegMIM achieves state-of-the-art performance on STR by a substantial margin. Furthermore, the extended experiment on tampered scene text detection demonstrates the generality of ViTEraser to other tasks. We believe this paper can inspire more research on ViT-based STR approaches. Code will be available at


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