Variational quantum regression algorithm with encoded data structure

by   C. -C. Joseph Wang, et al.

Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) prevail to solve practical problems such as combinatorial optimization, quantum chemistry simulation, quantum machine learning, and quantum error correction on noisy quantum computers. For variational quantum machine learning, a variational algorithm with model interpretability built into the algorithm is yet to be exploited. In this paper, we construct a quantum regression algorithm and identify the direct relation of variational parameters to learned regression coefficients, while employing a circuit that directly encodes the data in quantum amplitudes reflecting the structure of the classical data table. The algorithm is particularly suitable for well-connected qubits. With compressed encoding and digital-analog gate operation, the run time complexity is logarithmically more advantageous than that for digital 2-local gate native hardware with the number of data entries encoded, a decent improvement in noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers and a minor improvement for large-scale quantum computing Our suggested method of compressed binary encoding offers a remarkable reduction in the number of physical qubits needed when compared to the traditional one-hot-encoding technique with the same input data. The algorithm inherently performs linear regression but can also be used easily for nonlinear regression by building nonlinear features into the training data. In terms of measured cost function which distinguishes a good model from a poor one for model training, it will be effective only when the number of features is much less than the number of records for the encoded data structure to be observable. To echo this finding and mitigate hardware noise in practice, the ensemble model training from the quantum regression model learning with important feature selection from regularization is incorporated and illustrated numerically.


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