Variational Quantum Classifiers for Natural-Language Text

by   Daniel T Chang, et al.

As part of the recent research effort on quantum natural language processing (QNLP), variational quantum sentence classifiers (VQSCs) have been implemented and supported in lambeq / DisCoPy, based on the DisCoCat model of sentence meaning. We discuss in some detail VQSCs, including category theory, DisCoCat for modeling sentence as string diagram, and DisCoPy for encoding string diagram as parameterized quantum circuit. Many NLP tasks, however, require the handling of text consisting of multiple sentences, which is not supported in lambeq / DisCoPy. A good example is sentiment classification of customer feedback or product review. We discuss three potential approaches to variational quantum text classifiers (VQTCs), in line with VQSCs. The first is a weighted bag-of-sentences approach which treats text as a group of independent sentences with task-specific sentence weighting. The second is a coreference resolution approach which treats text as a consolidation of its member sentences with coreferences among them resolved. Both approaches are based on the DisCoCat model and should be implementable in lambeq / DisCoCat. The third approach, on the other hand, is based on the DisCoCirc model which considers both ordering of sentences and interaction of words in composing text meaning from word and sentence meanings. DisCoCirc makes fundamental modification of DisCoCat since a sentence in DisCoCirc updates meanings of words, whereas all meanings are static in DisCoCat. It is not clear if DisCoCirc can be implemented in lambeq / DisCoCat without breaking DisCoCat.


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