Utilization of Multinomial Naive Bayes Algorithm and Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF Vectorizer) in Checking the Credibility of News Tweet in the Philippines

by   Neil Christian R. Riego, et al.

The digitalization of news media become a good indicator of progress and signal to more threats. Media disinformation or fake news is one of these threats, and it is necessary to take any action in fighting disinformation. This paper utilizes ground truth-based annotations and TF-IDF as feature extraction for the news articles which is then used as a training data set for Multinomial Naive Bayes. The model has an accuracy of 99.46 88.98 concerning point on the prediction that is indicated in the F1 score of 89.68 This could lead to a negative impact. To prevent this to happen it is suggested to further improve the corpus collection, and use an ensemble machine learning to reinforce the prediction


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