Using satellites and artificial intelligence to measure health and material-living standards in India

by   Adel Daoud, et al.

The application of deep learning methods to survey human development in remote areas with satellite imagery at high temporal frequency can significantly enhance our understanding of spatial and temporal patterns in human development. Current applications have focused their efforts in predicting a narrow set of asset-based measurements of human well-being within a limited group of African countries. Here, we leverage georeferenced village-level census data from across 30 percent of the landmass of India to train a deep-neural network that predicts 16 variables representing material conditions from annual composites of Landsat 7 imagery. The census-based model is used as a feature extractor to train another network that predicts an even larger set of developmental variables (over 90 variables) included in two rounds of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) survey. The census-based model outperforms the current standard in the literature, night-time-luminosity-based models, as a feature extractor for several of these large set of variables. To extend the temporal scope of the models, we suggest a distribution-transformation procedure to estimate outcomes over time and space in India. Our procedure achieves levels of accuracy in the R-square of 0.92 to 0.60 for 21 development outcomes, 0.59 to 0.30 for 25 outcomes, and 0.29 to 0.00 for 28 outcomes, and 19 outcomes had negative R-square. Overall, the results show that combining satellite data with Indian Census data unlocks rich information for training deep learning models that track human development at an unprecedented geographical and temporal definition.


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