Update on the Verification and Validation Efforts for the Stakeholder Tool for Assessing Radioactive Transportation

by   Harish Gadey, et al.

The United States Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) is planning for the transportation, storage, and disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive waste (HLW) from commercial nuclear power plants and other U.S. DOE sites. The Stakeholder Tool for Assessing Radioactive Transportation (START) is a web-based, geospatial decision-support tool developed for evaluating routing options and other aspects of transporting SNF and HLW via barge, train, truck, and intermodal surface transport in the continental United States. The verification and validation (V V) effort is intended to independently assess START to provide confidence in the ability of the tool to accurately provide intended outputs. The results selected for the V V effort of the START code include those identified as crucial outputs by subject matter experts. Outputs from START such as shape files and keyhole markup language (KML) files are analyzed using a geodesic computation using the WSG-84 ellipsoid model. Most of the V V efforts are aimed towards examining and comparing the total length reported in the various files in the START tool. This work also focuses on the development of V V methodologies for various outputs that could be replicated by the end user on a set of user-defined routes. Over 150 origin destination pairs were run as part of this effort to test the functionality of the START tool. In addition to presenting results using an independent geodesic computation, this work will provide a comparison of the total route lengths between START version 3.3 and the previous release of START (version 3.2.2).


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Verification and Validation of the Stakeholder Tool for Assessing Radioactive Transportation (START)

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