Unsupervised Driving Behavior Analysis using Representation Learning and Exploiting Group-based Training
Driving behavior monitoring plays a crucial role in managing road safety and decreasing the risk of traffic accidents. Driving behavior is affected by multiple factors like vehicle characteristics, types of roads, traffic, but, most importantly, the pattern of driving of individuals. Current work performs a robust driving pattern analysis by capturing variations in driving patterns. It forms consistent groups by learning compressed representation of time series (Auto Encoded Compact Sequence) using a multi-layer seq-2-seq autoencoder and exploiting hierarchical clustering along with recommending the choice of best distance measure. Consistent groups aid in identifying variations in driving patterns of individuals captured in the dataset. These groups are generated for both train and hidden test data. The consistent groups formed using train data, are exploited for training multiple instances of the classifier. Obtained choice of best distance measure is used to select the best train-test pair of consistent groups. We have experimented on the publicly available UAH-DriveSet dataset considering the signals captured from IMU sensors (accelerometer and gyroscope) for classifying driving behavior. We observe proposed method, significantly outperforms the benchmark performance.