Unique Brain Network Identification Number for Parkinson's Individuals Using Structural MRI

by   Tanmayee Samantaray, et al.

We propose a novel algorithm called Unique Brain Network Identification Number (UBNIN) for encoding brain networks of individual subject. To realize this objective, we employed T1-weighted structural MRI of 180 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients from National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India. We parcellated each subject's brain volume and constructed individual adjacency matrix using correlation between grey matter (GM) volume of every pair of regions. The unique code is derived from values representing connections of every node (i), weighted by a factor of 2^-(i-1). The numerical representation UBNIN was observed to be distinct for each individual brain network, which may also be applied to other neuroimaging modalities. This model may be implemented as neural signature of a person's unique brain connectivity, thereby useful for brainprinting applications. Additionally, we segregated the above dataset into five age-cohorts: A:22-32years, B:33-42years, C:43-52years, D:53-62years and E:63-72years to study the variation in network topology over age. Sparsity was adopted as the threshold estimate to binarize each age-based correlation matrix. Connectivity metrics were obtained using Brain Connectivity toolbox-based MATLAB functions. For each age-cohort, a decreasing trend was observed in mean clustering coefficient with increasing sparsity. Significantly different clustering coefficient was noted between age-cohort B and C (sparsity: 0.63,0.66), C and E (sparsity: 0.66,0.69). Our findings suggest network connectivity patterns change with age, indicating network disruption due to the underlying neuropathology. Varying clustering coefficient for different cohorts indicate that information transfer between neighboring nodes change with age. This provides evidence on age-related brain shrinkage and network degeneration.


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