Understanding Sample Generation Strategies for Learning Heuristic Functions in Classical Planning

by   R. V. Bettker, et al.

We study the problem of learning good heuristic functions for classical planning tasks with neural networks based on samples that are states with their cost-to-goal estimates. It is well known that the learned model quality depends on the training data quality. Our main goal is to understand better the influence of sample generation strategies on the performance of a greedy best-first heuristic search guided by a learned heuristic function. In a set of controlled experiments, we find that two main factors determine the quality of the learned heuristic: the regions of the state space included in the samples and the quality of the cost-to-goal estimates. Also, these two factors are interdependent: having perfect estimates of cost-to-goal is insufficient if an unrepresentative part of the state space is included in the sample set. Additionally, we study the effects of restricting samples to only include states that could be evaluated when solving a given task and the effects of adding samples with high-value estimates. Based on our findings, we propose practical strategies to improve the quality of learned heuristics: three strategies that aim to generate more representative states and two strategies that improve the cost-to-goal estimates. Our resulting neural network heuristic has higher coverage than a basic satisficing heuristic. Also, compared to a baseline learned heuristic, our best neural network heuristic almost doubles the mean coverage and can increase it for some domains by more than six times.


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