Unconditionally optimal error estimate of a linearized variable-time-step BDF2 scheme for nonlinear parabolic equations
In this paper we consider a linearized variable-time-step two-step backward differentiation formula (BDF2) scheme for solving nonlinear parabolic equations. The scheme is constructed by using the variable time-step BDF2 for the linear term and a Newton linearized method for the nonlinear term in time combining with a Galerkin finite element method (FEM) in space. We prove the unconditionally optimal error estimate of the proposed scheme under mild restrictions on the ratio of adjacent time-steps, i.e. 0<r_k < r_max≈ 4.8645 and on the maximum time step. The proof involves the discrete orthogonal convolution (DOC) and discrete complementary convolution (DCC) kernels, and the error splitting approach. In addition, our analysis also shows that the first level solution u^1 obtained by BDF1 (i.e. backward Euler scheme) does not cause the loss of global accuracy of second order. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate our theoretical results.