Unbiased Pairwise Learning from Implicit Feedback for Recommender Systems without Biased Variance Control

by   Yi Ren, et al.

Generally speaking, the model training for recommender systems can be based on two types of data, namely explicit feedback and implicit feedback. Moreover, because of its general availability, we see wide adoption of implicit feedback data, such as click signal. There are mainly two challenges for the application of implicit feedback. First, implicit data just includes positive feedback. Therefore, we are not sure whether the non-interacted items are really negative or positive but not displayed to the corresponding user. Moreover, the relevance of rare items is usually underestimated since much fewer positive feedback of rare items is collected compared with popular ones. To tackle such difficulties, both pointwise and pairwise solutions are proposed before for unbiased relevance learning. As pairwise learning suits well for the ranking tasks, the previously proposed unbiased pairwise learning algorithm already achieves state-of-the-art performance. Nonetheless, the existing unbiased pairwise learning method suffers from high variance. To get satisfactory performance, non-negative estimator is utilized for practical variance control but introduces additional bias. In this work, we propose an unbiased pairwise learning method, named UPL, with much lower variance to learn a truly unbiased recommender model. Extensive offline experiments on real world datasets and online A/B testing demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method.


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