Two-Server Verifiable Homomorphic Secret Sharing for High-Degree Polynomials

by   Xin Chen, et al.

Homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) allows multiple input clients to secret-share their data among multiple servers such that each server is able to locally compute a function on its shares to obtain a partial result and all partial results enable the reconstruction of the function's value on the outsourced data by an output client. The existing HSS schemes for high-degree polynomials either require a large number of servers or lack verifiability, which is essential for ensuring the correctness of the outsourced computations. In this paper, we propose a two-server verifiable HSS (VHSS) model and construct a scheme that supports the computation of high-degree polynomials. The degree of the outsourced polynomials can be as high as a polynomial in the system's security parameter. Despite of using only 2 servers, our VHSS ensures that each single server learns no information about the outsourced data and no single server is able to persuade the client to output a wrong function value. Our VHSS is significantly more efficient. When computing degree-7 polynomials, our scheme could be 3-10 times faster than the previously best construction.


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