Two Facets of SDE Under an Information-Theoretic Lens: Generalization of SGD via Training Trajectories and via Terminal States

by   Ziqiao Wang, et al.

Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) have been shown recently to well characterize the dynamics of training machine learning models with SGD. This provides two opportunities for better understanding the generalization behaviour of SGD through its SDE approximation. First, under the SDE characterization, SGD may be regarded as the full-batch gradient descent with Gaussian gradient noise. This allows the application of the generalization bounds developed by Xu Raginsky (2017) to analyzing the generalization behaviour of SGD, resulting in upper bounds in terms of the mutual information between the training set and the training trajectory. Second, under mild assumptions, it is possible to obtain an estimate of the steady-state weight distribution of SDE. Using this estimate, we apply the PAC-Bayes-like information-theoretic bounds developed in both Xu Raginsky (2017) and Negrea et al. (2019) to obtain generalization upper bounds in terms of the KL divergence between the steady-state weight distribution of SGD with respect to a prior distribution. Among various options, one may choose the prior as the steady-state weight distribution obtained by SGD on the same training set but with one example held out. In this case, the bound can be elegantly expressed using the influence function (Koh Liang, 2017), which suggests that the generalization of the SGD is related to the stability of SGD. Various insights are presented along the development of these bounds, which are subsequently validated numerically.


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