Trees in partial Higher Dimensional Automata
In this paper, we give a new definition of partial Higher Dimension Automata (pHDA for short) using lax functors. This definition is simpler and more natural from a categorical point of view, but also matches more clearly the intuition that pHDA are Higher Dimensional Automata (HDA for short) with some missing faces. We then focus on trees. Originally, for example in transition systems, trees are defined as those systems that have a unique path property. To understand what kind of unique property is needed in pHDA, we start by looking at trees as colimits of paths. This definition tells us that trees are exactly the pHDA with the unique path property modulo a notion of homotopy, and without any shortcuts. This property allows us to prove two interesting characterisations of trees: trees are exactly those pHDA that are an unfolding of another pHDA; trees are exactly the cofibrant objects, much as in the language of Quillen's model structure. In particular, this last characterisation gives the premisses of a new understanding of concurrency theory using homotopy theory.