Transparent Programming of Heterogeneous Smartphones for Sensing

by   Felix Xiaozhu Lin, et al.

Sensing on smartphones is known to be power-hungry. It has been shown that this problem can be solved by adding an ultra low-power processor to execute simple, frequent sensor data processing. While very effective in saving energy, this resulting heterogeneous, distributed architecture poses a significant challenge to application development. We present Reflex, a suite of runtime and compilation techniques to conceal the heterogeneous, distributed nature from developers. The Reflex automatically transforms the developer's code for distributed execution with the help of the Reflex runtime. To create a unified system illusion, Reflex features a novel software distributed shared memory (DSM) design that leverages the extreme architectural asymmetry between the low-power processor and the powerful central processor to achieve both energy efficiency and performance. We report a complete realization of Reflex for heterogeneous smartphones with Maemo/Linux as the central kernel. Using a tri-processor hardware prototype and sensing applications reported in recent literature, we evaluate the Reflex realization for programming transparency, energy efficiency, and performance. We show that Reflex supports a programming style that is very close to contemporary smartphone programming. It allows existing sensing applications to be ported with minor source code changes. Reflex reduces the system power in sensing by up to 83 a typical ultra-low power processor.


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