Translating Asynchronous Games for Distributed Synthesis (Full Version)

by   Raven Beutner, et al.

In distributed synthesis, we generate a set of process implementations that, together, accomplish an objective against all possible behaviors of the environment. A lot of recent work has focussed on systems with causal memory, i.e., sets of asynchronous processes that exchange their causal histories upon synchronization. Decidability results for this problem have been stated either in terms of control games, which extend Zielonka's asynchronous automata by partitioning the actions into controllable and uncontrollable, or in terms of Petri games, which extend Petri nets by partitioning the tokens into system and environment players. The precise connection between these two models was so far, however, an open question. In this paper, we provide the first formal connection between control games and Petri games. We establish the equivalence of the two game models based on weak bisimulations between their strategies. For both directions, we show that a game of one type can be translated into an equivalent game of the other type. We provide exponential upper and lower bounds for the translations. Our translations make it possible to transfer and combine decidability results between the two types of games. Exemplarily, we translate decidability in acyclic communication architectures, originally obtained for control games, to Petri games, and decidability in single-process systems, originally obtained for Petri games, to control games.


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