Transfer Learning improves MI BCI models classification accuracy in Parkinson's disease patients
Motor-Imagery based BCI (MI-BCI) neurorehabilitation can improve locomotor ability and reduce the deficit symptoms in Parkinson's Disease patients. Advanced Motor-Imagery BCI methods are needed to overcome the accuracy and time-related MI BCI calibration challenges in such patients. In this study, we proposed a Multi-session FBCSP (msFBCSP) based on inter-session transfer learning and we investigated its performance compared to the single-session based FBSCP. The main result of this study is the significantly improved accuracy obtained by proposed msFBCSP compared to single-session FBCSP in PD patients (median 81.3 respectively; p<0.001). In conclusion, this study proposes a transfer learning-based multi-session based FBCSP approach which allowed to significantly improve calibration accuracy in MI BCI performed on PD patients.