Trajectory Factory: Tracklet Cleaving and Re-connection by Deep Siamese Bi-GRU for Multiple Object Tracking

by   Cong Ma, et al.

Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) is a challenging task in the complex scene such as surveillance and autonomous driving. In this paper, we propose a novel tracklet processing method to cleave and re-connect tracklets on crowd or long-term occlusion by Siamese Bi-Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). The tracklet generation utilizes object features extracted by CNN and RNN to create the high-confidence tracklet candidates in sparse scenario. Due to mis-tracking in the generation process, the tracklets from different objects are split into several sub-tracklets by a bidirectional GRU. After that, a Siamese GRU based tracklet re-connection method is applied to link the sub-tracklets which belong to the same object to form a whole trajectory. In addition, we extract the tracklet images from existing MOT datasets and propose a novel dataset to train our networks. The proposed dataset contains more than 95160 pedestrian images. It has 793 different persons in it. On average, there are 120 images for each person with positions and sizes. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of our model over the state-of-the-art methods on MOT16.


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