Towards Robust Monitoring of Stealthy Diffusion
In this work, we introduce and study the (α, β)-Monitoring game on networks. Our game is composed of two parties an attacker and a defender. The attacker can launch an attack by distributing a limited number of seeds (i.e., virus) to the network, and/or manipulate the propagation probabilities on a limited number of edges. Under our (α, β)-Monitoring game, we say an attack is successful if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied: (1) the outbreak/propagation reaches α individuals, and (2) it has not been detected before reaching β individuals. On the other end, the defender's ultimate goal is to deploy a set of monitors in the network that can minimize attacker's success ratio in the worst-case. Our work is built upon recent work in security games, compared with stochastic guarantees, our adversarial setting leads to more robust solutions in practice.