Towards real-time 6D pose estimation of objects in single-view cone-beam X-ray

by   Christiaan G. A. Viviers, et al.

Deep learning-based pose estimation algorithms can successfully estimate the pose of objects in an image, especially in the field of color images. 6D Object pose estimation based on deep learning models for X-ray images often use custom architectures that employ extensive CAD models and simulated data for training purposes. Recent RGB-based methods opt to solve pose estimation problems using small datasets, making them more attractive for the X-ray domain where medical data is scarcely available. We refine an existing RGB-based model (SingleShotPose) to estimate the 6D pose of a marked cube from grayscale X-ray images by creating a generic solution trained on only real X-ray data and adjusted for X-ray acquisition geometry. The model regresses 2D control points and calculates the pose through 2D/3D correspondences using Perspective-n-Point(PnP), allowing a single trained model to be used across all supporting cone-beam-based X-ray geometries. Since modern X-ray systems continuously adjust acquisition parameters during a procedure, it is essential for such a pose estimation network to consider these parameters in order to be deployed successfully and find a real use case. With a 5-cm/5-degree accuracy of 93 proposed approach are comparable with state-of-the-art alternatives, while requiring significantly less real training examples and being applicable in real-time applications.


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