Towards Effective Low-bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks

by   Bohan Zhuang, et al.

This paper tackles the problem of training a deep convolutional neural network with both low-precision weights and low-bitwidth activations. Optimizing a low-precision network is very challenging since the training process can easily get trapped in a poor local minima, which results in substantial accuracy loss. To mitigate this problem, we propose three simple-yet-effective approaches to improve the network training. First, we propose to use a two-stage optimization strategy to progressively find good local minima. Specifically, we propose to first optimize a net with quantized weights and then quantized activations. This is in contrast to the traditional methods which optimize them simultaneously. Second, following a similar spirit of the first method, we propose another progressive optimization approach which progressively decreases the bit-width from high-precision to low-precision during the course of training. Third, we adopt a novel learning scheme to jointly train a full-precision model alongside the low-precision one. By doing so, the full-precision model provides hints to guide the low-precision model training. Extensive experiments on various datasets ( i.e., CIFAR-100 and ImageNet) show the effectiveness of the proposed methods. To highlight, using our methods to train a 4-bit precision network leads to no performance decrease in comparison with its full-precision counterpart with standard network architectures ( i.e., AlexNet and ResNet-50).


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