Towards a Rigorous Statistical Analysis of Empirical Password Datasets

by   Jeremiah Blocki, et al.

In this paper we consider the following problem: given N independent samples from an unknown distribution 𝒫 over passwords pwd_1,pwd_2, … can we generate high confidence upper/lower bounds on the guessing curve λ_G ≐∑_i=1^G p_i where p_i=[pwd_i] and the passwords are ordered such that p_i ≥ p_i+1. Intuitively, λ_G represents the probability that an attacker who knows the distribution 𝒫 can guess a random password pwd ←𝒫 within G guesses. Understanding how λ_G increases with the number of guesses G can help quantify the damage of a password cracking attack and inform password policies. Despite an abundance of large (breached) password datasets upper/lower bounding λ_G remains a challenging problem. We introduce several statistical techniques to derive tighter upper/lower bounds on the guessing curve λ_G which hold with high confidence. We apply our techniques to analyze 9 large password datasets finding that our new lower bounds dramatically improve upon prior work. Our empirical analysis shows that even state-of-the-art password cracking models are significantly less guess efficient than an attacker who knows the distribution. When G is not too large we find that our upper/lower bounds on λ_G are both very close to the empirical distribution which justifies the use of the empirical distribution in settings where G is not too large i.e., G ≪ N closely approximates λ_G. The analysis also highlights regions of the curve where we can, with high confidence, conclude that the empirical distribution significantly overestimates λ_G. Our new statistical techniques yield substantially tighter upper/lower bounds on λ_G though there are still regions of the curve where the best upper/lower bounds diverge significantly.


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