Toward Quantum Machine Translation of Syntactically Distinct Languages

by   Mina Abbaszade, et al.

The present study aims to explore the feasibility of language translation using quantum natural language processing algorithms on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. Classical methods in natural language processing (NLP) struggle with handling large-scale computations required for complex language tasks, but quantum NLP on NISQ devices holds promise in harnessing quantum parallelism and entanglement to efficiently process and analyze vast amounts of linguistic data, potentially revolutionizing NLP applications. Our research endeavors to pave the way for quantum neural machine translation, which could potentially offer advantages over classical methods in the future. We employ Shannon entropy to demonstrate the significant role of some appropriate angles of rotation gates in the performance of parametrized quantum circuits. In particular, we utilize these angles (parameters) as a means of communication between quantum circuits of different languages. To achieve our objective, we adopt the encoder-decoder model of classical neural networks and implement the translation task using long short-term memory (LSTM). Our experiments involved 160 samples comprising English sentences and their Persian translations. We trained the models with different optimisers implementing stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as primary and subsequently incorporating two additional optimizers in conjunction with SGD. Notably, we achieved optimal results-with mean absolute error of 0.03, mean squared error of 0.002, and 0.016 loss-by training the best model, consisting of two LSTM layers and using the Adam optimiser. Our small dataset, though consisting of simple synonymous sentences with word-to-word mappings, points to the utility of Shannon entropy as a figure of merit in more complex machine translation models for intricate sentence structures.


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