Toward Automated Website Classification by Deep Learning

by   Fabrizio De Fausti, et al.

In recent years, the interest in Big Data sources has been steadily growing within the Official Statistic community. The Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) is currently carrying out several Big Data pilot studies. One of these studies, the ICT Big Data pilot, aims at exploiting massive amounts of textual data automatically scraped from the websites of Italian enterprises in order to predict a set of target variables (e.g. e-commerce) that are routinely observed by the traditional ICT Survey. In this paper, we show that Deep Learning techniques can successfully address this problem. Essentially, we tackle a text classification task: an algorithm must learn to infer whether an Italian enterprise performs e-commerce from the textual content of its website. To reach this goal, we developed a sophisticated processing pipeline and evaluated its performance through extensive experiments. Our pipeline uses Convolutional Neural Networks and relies on Word Embeddings to encode raw texts into grayscale images (i.e. normalized numeric matrices). Web-scraped texts are huge and have very low signal to noise ratio: to overcome these issues, we adopted a framework known as False Positive Reduction, which has seldom (if ever) been applied before to text classification tasks. Several original contributions enable our processing pipeline to reach good classification results. Empirical evidence shows that our proposal outperforms all the alternative Machine Learning solutions already tested in Istat for the same task.


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