Toward a traceable, explainable, and fairJD/Resume recommendation system

by   Amine Barrak, et al.

In the last few decades, companies are interested to adopt an online automated recruitment process in an international recruitment environment. The problem is that the recruitment of employees through the manual procedure is a time and money consuming process. As a result, processing a significant number of applications through conventional methods can lead to the recruitment of clumsy individuals. Different JD/Resume matching model architectures have been proposed and reveal a high accuracy level in selecting relevant candidatesfor the required job positions. However, the development of an automatic recruitment system is still one of the main challenges. The reason is that the development of a fully automated recruitment system is a difficult task and poses different challenges. For example, providing a detailed matching explanation for the targeted stakeholders is needed to ensure a transparent recommendation. There are several knowledge bases that represent skills and competencies (e.g, ESCO, O*NET) that are used to identify the candidate and the required job skills for a matching purpose. Besides, modernpre-trained language models are fine-tuned for this context such as identifying lines where a specific feature was introduced. Typically, pre-trained language models use transfer-based machine learning models to be fine-tuned for a specific field. In this proposal, our aim is to explore how modern language models (based on transformers) can be combined with knowledge bases and ontologies to enhance the JD/Resume matching process. Our system aims at using knowledge bases and features to support the explainability of the JD/Resume matching. Finally, given that multiple software components, datasets, ontology, andmachine learning models will be explored, we aim at proposing a fair, ex-plainable, and traceable architecture for a Resume/JD matching purpose.


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