TopicFM+: Boosting Accuracy and Efficiency of Topic-Assisted Feature Matching

by   Khang Truong Giang, et al.

This study tackles the challenge of image matching in difficult scenarios, such as scenes with significant variations or limited texture, with a strong emphasis on computational efficiency. Previous studies have attempted to address this challenge by encoding global scene contexts using Transformers. However, these approaches suffer from high computational costs and may not capture sufficient high-level contextual information, such as structural shapes or semantic instances. Consequently, the encoded features may lack discriminative power in challenging scenes. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel image-matching method that leverages a topic-modeling strategy to capture high-level contexts in images. Our method represents each image as a multinomial distribution over topics, where each topic represents a latent semantic instance. By incorporating these topics, we can effectively capture comprehensive context information and obtain discriminative and high-quality features. Additionally, our method effectively matches features within corresponding semantic regions by estimating the covisible topics. To enhance the efficiency of feature matching, we have designed a network with a pooling-and-merging attention module. This module reduces computation by employing attention only on fixed-sized topics and small-sized features. Through extensive experiments, we have demonstrated the superiority of our method in challenging scenarios. Specifically, our method significantly reduces computational costs while maintaining higher image-matching accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods. The code will be updated soon at


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