Tollywood Emotions: Annotation of Valence-Arousal in Telugu Song Lyrics

by   R Guru Ravi Shanker, et al.

Emotion recognition from a given music track has heavily relied on acoustic features, social tags, and metadata but is seldom focused on lyrics. There are no datasets of Indian language songs that contain both valence and arousal manual ratings of lyrics. We present a new manually annotated dataset of Telugu songs' lyrics collected from Spotify with valence and arousal annotated on a discrete scale. A fairly high inter-annotator agreement was observed for both valence and arousal. Subsequently, we create two music emotion recognition models by using two classification techniques to identify valence, arousal and respective emotion quadrant from lyrics. Support vector machine (SVM) with term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) features and fine-tuning the pre-trained XLMRoBERTa (XLM-R) model were used for valence, arousal and quadrant classification tasks. Fine-tuned XLMRoBERTa performs better than the SVM by improving macro-averaged F1-scores of 54.69 80.71 respectively, on 10-fold cross-validation. In addition, we compare our lyrics annotations with Spotify's annotations of valence and energy (same as arousal), which are based on entire music tracks. The implications of our findings are discussed. Finally, we make the dataset publicly available with lyrics, annotations and Spotify IDs.


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