Time-Domain Mapping Based Single-Channel Speech Separation With Hierarchical Constraint Training
Single-channel speech separation is required for multi-speaker speech recognition. Recent deep learning-based approaches focused on time-domain audio separation net (TasNet) because it has superior performance and lower latency compared to the conventional time-frequency-based (T-F-based) approaches. Most of these works rely on the masking-based method that estimates a linear mapping function (mask) for each speaker. However, the other commonly used method, the mapping-based method that is less sensitive to SNR variations, is inadequately studied in the time domain. We explore the potential of the mapping-based method by introducing attention augmented DPRNN (AttnAugDPRNN) which directly approximates the clean sources from the mixture for speech separation. Permutation Invariant Training (PIT) has been a paradigm to solve the label ambiguity problem for speech separation but usually leads to suboptimal performance. To solve this problem, we propose an efficient training strategy called Hierarchical Constraint Training (HCT) to regularize the training, which could effectively improve the model performance. When using PIT, our results showed that mapping-based AttnAugDPRNN outperformed masking-based AttnAugDPRNN when the training corpus is large. Mapping-based AttnAugDPRNN with HCT significantly improved the SI-SDR by 10.1 AttnAugDPRNN without HCT.